Sovereign are very passionate about the environment and its protection. By taking steps to lower our carbon footprint we are supporting the journey to a greener environment, and by taking these steps and reviewing them on a regular basis, we take active strides to reduce our power usage and embrace alternative ways in our production methods to lessen the impact on the environment. Our commitment to an achievable environment policy is carefully monitored, this ensures that all relevant environmental laws and regulations are embraced at both at local and national levels.

We fully endorse our policy which encourages vehicle replacements with non-fossil fuel technology that provides for cleaner air quality, reduces the consumption of fossil fuels, and contributes to the reduction of global warming issues. In addition, we offer ‘no fee’ vehicle charging pods within the environs of our site for both staff and visiting clientele alike.

A controlled waste disposal scheme is in place to ensure we recycle all recyclable goods, and packaging wherever possible. Our production processes are geared to re-use such items as cleaning materials and fluids as many times as practically possible with respect to their efficiency and when the ‘end of life cycle’ is complete, these along with any hazardous or non-hazardous waste is collected by government approved and regulated contractors who ensure that all waste disposal is carried out in accordance with all regulations and directives which are applicable to such processing. Our commitment to a duty of care to environmental issues provides an excellent base upon which to build a clean, more enjoyable, and active environment.